Wednesday, April 30, 2008


各位經銷商好!提醒大家ZUJI提供給我們九折酒店獨家優惠將延續至2008年5月16日。請立即提醒你的優惠顧客,透過你的個人入門網站在ZUJI訂住酒店,以享受方便而即時的旅遊服務。請緊記選擇酒店後,在Promotional Code欄寫上rsvnhotel。此優惠只適用於部份酒店。

Oscar Chan

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Change your life while helping others

在年會中,莎莎網的加盟和ZUJI旅遊大師宣佈給美安香港經銷商在限定時間內擁有獨家的訂住酒店九折優惠,這對我來說的確是一種鼓舞。美安香港的夥伴商店從無到有,實在是因為有經銷商們,美安香港才可以與知名的企業合作。然而,這只是我們一個小小的里程碑,對我們來說,我們想積極引入更多售賣生活必需品的商店,讓我們真真正正地改變客人的購物模式。讓JR開創美安公司超連鎖事業的理念“Give people the power to change their lives while helping others around the world to change theirs”進一步在香港實現。讓我們的經銷商幫助更多需要幫助的人吧!

Oscar Chan

Friday, April 25, 2008



Ultimate Aloe™全葉蘆薈汁-士多啤梨奇異果味
Complete Greens™全方位蔬果精華


Alice Lee

Sunday, April 20, 2008





Anthony Kwan

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Market America's worldwide headquarters

Just wanted to share this picture with everyone - Market America's newly expanded World Headquarters in Greensboro, NC.

I hope you are as proud of it as we are...

Pycnogenol in the news

We are excited to announce a new study that reveals Pycnogenol® naturally reduces osteoarthritis. The study revealed Pycnogenol’s® capability to dramatically lower joint pain, stiffness, improve physical function and increase patients mobility almost three-fold.

The study, conducted at Italy’s Chieti-Pescara University is published in the April edition of Phytotherapy Research. The research sampled 156 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and evaluated their symptoms on WOMAC index scores and by recording patient’s walking performance on a treadmill.

The benefits of Pycnogenol® for arthritic joints are suggested to result predominately from the anti-inflammatory and vascular potency of Pycnogenol®. There are additional break through studies on Pycnogenol® and osteoarthritis expected to be published this year allowing for development of innovative, natural formulas for joint health.

For more information on this particular study, click here.

Controlling Cholesterol

High cholesterol is often associated with heart disease in the United States. A diet that is high in saturated fat and cholesterol can increase your cholesterol levels. Reducing the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet can help lower your cholesterol. Foods that are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids can assist in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds are high in monounsaturated fats, which is a good fat. They are also very high in fiber and phytosterols that may have cardio-protective effects. Another food to consider would be oatmeal, which is very high in soluble fiber. The high amounts of fiber not only give you a feeling of satiety, but it may reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the bloodstream. Omega-3 fatty acids are by far of the best of the good fats. They can be found in fatty fish, such as tuna, halibut, and especially salmon. Our fast-paced lifestyles do not always allow us to eat like we should or want to.

Market America's Heart Health Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E provides three grams of EPA and DHA daily. Three grams of EPA and DHA have been proven and FDA supported to clinically promote cardiovascular health and help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Market America's NutriClean Advanced Fiber Powder provides nine grams of fiber in each serving. Most Americans do not meet the necessary daily fiber intake. NutriClean fiber can help support a healthy fiber intake. It also supports normal bowel movement, healthy cholesterol, and normal blood glucose levels.

With the combination of the right diet, Omega III Fish Oil, and Nutriclean Fiber Powder, you can knock out high cholesterol before it begins!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Don't WIsh But Do! 將期望變成你的行動!




Clovis Lau

Tuesday, April 8, 2008




美安香港的首個年會將於下星期五、六及日隆重舉行,這次內容豐富的重要活動,你又怎能錯過?除了來自Corporate的重量級嘉賓Joe BolyardAndrew Weissman的演講外,還有一連串的新產品發佈、營養資訊及經銷商心得分享,而美安香港首批高階經銷商亦將會在大會台上獲得嘉許!如你還未有購票,請把握最後機會!現在還有買三張票送一瓶蘆薈汁的優惠,你還不趕快行動?

最後,香港版的Isotonix OPC-3® 資訊卡已經有售,此資訊卡特別設計來輔助你去推廣OPC-3這皇牌產品!請即致電35129198向經銷商支援部職員查詢詳情或即時訂購!

下星期,匯星(Star Hall)見!

Anthony Kwan

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Market HongKong Launches Blog

I'm excited to announce this new blog for Market Hong Kong. This blog is created due to popular demand and the success of the Market America blog. There will be many authors, but one goal: To make communications easier among corporate, distributors, and the public.